Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

Back-Ups and To-do Lists

This is the final week of Project Simplify.  I like that this project was simple and short, reminding me that being organized doesn't happen all at once but rather it's an ongoing process.  A compilation of small steps, really. I'm happy to report that the 3 projects from previous weeks are still intact and organized.  The boys know where their clothes go, the kitchen cupboards don't cause anxiety, and my paper files and office supplies downstairs are still in the correct places.

But this week was different.

This week, I planned on organizing my computer a little.

I did manage to unsubscribe from several emails and weed out a few files.  Tuesday evening, though, all my other plans came to a halt.  Tuesday evening, all my most important computer files went AWOL.  Pictures, Quicken, business documents, and who knows what else.

Since I'm just one step above computer-illiterate, I can't really explain adequately what happened.  They just went "poof".  I panicked.

The kids met dad at the door and gave him the news and the warning.

See, whenever something happens with any technology that I've come to depend on, I kind of blow my top.  I just want these things to work, always, and I despise spending any time trying to fix them.

Praise the Lord, I managed to recover the Quicken files and several documents after some digging and I-don't-really-know-what-I'm-doing computer finagling.  Coaxing, pleading, praying.

The 'funny' thing is that I've had on my to-do list for 2 months:

Back-up computer

There are reasons why I put it off - a dvd drive that quit working and an external hard drive that was too full.  But truly, I just procrastinate sometimes.

I like things simple and if they're not, sometimes I just don't play along.  Bad move.

Do you think God is talking to me about something?  That He actually cares about my computer?  Or is it my character?

My Project Simplify this week was to take my computer in to someone who knows what they're doing, someone who will find all my missing stuff (praying!) and someone who will probably scold me for not taking better care of it and keeping things backed-up.  I am using the minuscule Acer netbook now and am thankful for it, but it's just not the same.

So in light of my ignorance, Project Simplify will continue even though March is over and Tsh at simplemom.net is finished with it.

Anyone have tips on:

  1. saving and organizing digital pictures
  2. a simple way to organize pictures for blog posts (flickr?)
  3. backing-up efficiently - online or disk or external hard drive or...
  4. using "The Cloud" or not

Kind suggestions in simple words welcomed.  Thanks, friends!


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