Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

Five Minute Friday: Enough

 It's Friday and Lisa-Jo has given this writing prompt:


Every Friday we spend five minutes spilling words and we forego editing  and fretting, and just write.  It's fun, it's free, and you should click the link above and try it!  Or at least, read what some others write for fun on Fridays.


It's crowded and that makes me a little uncomfortable.

People and words and lack of air all combine to choke me a little, but it's Sunday and I love these people.

She stands to update us all on her life, because she's a part of us and it's been so long since she's been 'in the valley'.  Her voice is so clear and the words hit me between the eyes.

"When I was a teenager I didn't want to go with my family to Mexico.  My heart wasn't in being a missionary.  But I finally submitted to God and decided to be satisfied with wherever He had me."

Because He is enough.

I worry about doing enough and being enough and did I teach them enough.  Did we pray together enough and do they know Him well enough and will they 'turn-out'?

We all have to turn out  to find our enough.

Worry turns me in but her words remind me.  He is enough for wherever and whatever and nothing shakes a heart submitted to being satisfied.


So you STILL think God is a merciful God?!

For the Ones Who Can't Hear "Beautiful"