Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

My One Little Word for 2013: All

It's not such a little word, really. Three of the biggest letters ever.

"Everyone" is choosing their one little word for the year, the one word to focus on and strive towards. Something to motivate when the resolutions run aground. Mine usually falter somewhere around January 21, because I'm kind of a 3-week person. After 3 weeks, I tend to fall back to old patterns and worn grooves.

So choosing one little word might work for me. I've always been a "word person". Different words speak to me in different seasons, words like balance, perspective, and simplicity. In fact, those three words were going to title this blog but alas, sarcasm won out.


That's the word for me. Not "all" as in do it all or be it all, whatever it is. Not "all" in an exaggerated, all-the-time kind of a way. It's actually "all" more like I already have it all.

His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, - {2 Peter 1:3 NKJV}

I chose all because I knew it would come up a lot, in scripture and conversation and my admonishments to my kids. I knew I would be reminded often - something I desperately need - to think on all He's done and all I need and doing all for Him.

I knew that one little word would become huge to me, and I think I need for small things to become big this year. Like the widow who put in the small all that she had.

I need to be small, myself.

So here's to all of you and all of our needs being met in Him. Here's to all the laundry and dirty dishes, all the heartaches and victories, all the runny noses and bad attitudes and each and every Word of scripture that is God-breathed and just for us.

May you find all you need in Him this year.

Do you have one word for the year? I'd love to hear it, and you're welcome to include a link in the comments to your blog post about it. No blog? Share your word anyways.



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