Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

Remember when...

"Together" used to be playdates and Veggie Tales. Let them play, feed them lunch, put them down for a nap...and then, it was our time. We did Bible studies and we prayed together and processed hundreds of jars of jam and tomatoes and applesauce.

We taught our children together.

We made the most of our time together, and I was clueless that anything would ever change.

But it did.

Babies became teenagers and we no longer dictated every minute of the schedule - things like sports and school and friends became the parameters for our day. 

Distance took us apart, as well, and the yearly retreat became a good memory. 

Now we have more of a parallel togetherness. Like cars on the interstate, we are solo drivers speeding towards the same destination. I'm riding the brakes a little.

Comfort, though, is doing life together and lifting one another up in prayer because if my life is crazy, her's must be, too. If my day is stressful, her's might need a little prayer to cushion it as well.

Together looks different now.

Someday, maybe we'll rock the grandbabies together and talk about old times.


{Sharing Five Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo and hundreds of others, writing about TOGETHER.}

Finishing Well {A guest post at One Fun Mom}

The dream where I had all the answers