Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

Five Minute Friday: Beyond

 It's Friday and Lisa-Jo has given this writing prompt:


Every Friday we spend five minutes spilling words and we forego editing  and fretting, and just write.  It's fun, it's free, and you should click the link above and try it!  Or at least, read what some others write for fun on Fridays.



He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all I ask or even could think in my feeble, flitting mind.  And it must be true because I ask so little and receive so much.

I don't believe the lie that everything I need is just beyond what I have now, but I do believe the truth that He is beyond all my imagination and dreamings, and that He wants me to live beyond where I am now.

I ask for so little because my faith is just.  that. small.


He shows up Big anyway, and befuddles my thinking and my small prayers.

Sometimes doesn't He put Himself just out of reach, so that my faith stretches like last year's jeans and once again, I can grasp just the hem of His garment?

I can barely catch up and never truly arrive, yet He promises arrival someday.  He is my pace-setter and it's always got to be a little beyond where I'm comfortable.

That must be the ticket to prayer.  Yearning for what's just out of reach, stretching my tight faith and making room for more, all because I know, I know, there is always room for more of Him.


When Summer Freezes

When Sin Leads to Thanksgiving