Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

Five Minute Friday: Good-Bye

Friday already, and I link-up with Lisa-Jo and write breathless for 5 straight minutes.  I love this prompt every week and the places it opens up...care to join the fun?

We have made it past the diaper stage and the feed-me-now stage and the sleepless nights.  We have officially said "good-bye" to pull-ups and wet beds.  Everyone can buckle themselves, brush their own teeth and hair, make themselves toast, and at least attempt to make the bed.

So we've said good-bye to the Age of Dependence.  Right?

Not so much.

As much as I wanted to be done with that age, the next one is not any less difficult.  That's what they all told me, back when I was sleep-deprived and vomit-covered.  The ones who'd gone before tried to tell me to enjoy all that, to tell me that it only gets harder as they grow.

I laughed inside, thinking they had just simply forgotten.

But now I'm that one, and I reminisce on the days gone by and they don't come back around.  Each day is spent and so am I.  Exhausted more emotionally than physically, and clinging to grace like never before.

They still are so needy, we are needy.  The sleepless nights are replaced with late nights, feed-me-now has become don't-stop-feeding-me-I'm-starving, and now that they can all buckle-up, one of them wants to drive!  Lord, help me.

Wouldn't trade it for the world.  I only want to revel in it, to soak it up, do it well and gracefully, and say good-bye to regret and selfish longing.


What do you miss most from your kids' younger days?  I miss toddler footsteps and fingers curling hair, sloppy kisses, freshly washed baby smells, and nap time.  Definitely miss nap time.




Making Time