Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

Five Minute Friday: Worship

Beach Grass The question had a right answer, but it wasn't necessarily the true answer. There's a difference of course - between what's correct and what's actually, factually true in life.

She's a Good Girl and didn't want to write something correct, but not true.

Is a Christian's life divided into the secular and the sacred?

We are studying worldview, and sometimes ours comes into conflict with a dichotomy in ourselves. Worldview is roughly defined as the beliefs that propel our behavior. Do you see the conflict?

The Spirit of God lives in us, if we are His. Therefore, we reason, all of life truly is spiritual because in all of life we carry the Spirit of God in us.

Dishes. Laundry. School. Is all of it worship?

Isn't it?

Later the same day I finished a book that ended with a call to see worship as everything we do. Not for Sundays and church pews and not to be accompanied only by music.

Not a worship service, but a service of worship.

It's really about how we see things and being smack dab in the middle of correcting papers and cooking dinner doesn't feel like worship. My husband doesn't come home from a long day building houses, exhausted from worship. But it's all worship when we open our eyes.

I open mine and He is always, always, worthy of worship. And He is always, always, with me.


{Join us at Lisa-Jo's for Five Minute Friday. Today's prompt is WORSHIP.}


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