Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

Why I'll be Using More Paper

Convenience is great.

Accessibility is great.

And I'm all about making things simple and easy.

But I'm also about balance, and one thing I've noticed about myself lately is that my face is often in a screen.  Or maybe, the screen is in my face.

I'm also highly distracted, like ADHD without the H.

All that makes it hard to be a good mom, wife, friend, homemaker...all that makes it hard for me to just stop, put the brakes on, and engage with life.  That thing that happens around me all day.

My lists are on screen.  My books, schedules, dreams and ideas float in bits and bytes, and my eyes are burning.  I appreciate my Kindle for the convenience and cost-saving, but I miss paper.  

The thing is, I change my mind so often about how and where I want to organize those pieces of life that need documented.  I use notebooks, sketch books, journals, sticky notes, evernote, onenote, notes on my phone...

I've tried to be all computerized and organized in digital fashion, because I think that's great.  But the screen sucks my brain and my attention (which is limited).

It's easier to walk away from paper, but this screen cries out to me for just one more...

I have one life to live and one shot at making these memories, the ones my kids will live with.  I don't want to be the mom at the pool that misses the cannonball because of The Screen.  There are baby steps on this road to recovery, and the first one is logging off.

So I'll be using more paper, and hallelujah, I've found a wonderful notebook that makes me giddy. (I'm simple like that).

The Arc customizable notebook from Staples.  I'm not an affiliate, won't get any money if you click on the link, but if you feel so happy and excited after seeing this thing and you'd like to thank me, we can make arrangements.  *smile*

It's just a little thing, but isn't that what our lives are made up of?  To be faithful in the smallest of things, that's the calling of those called mom and it's the groundwork for bigger faith.  Because nobody who takes care of the little things is ever overlooked in the kingdom of heaven.

He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. - {Luk 16:10 NKJV}


{Counting gifts and remembering His goodness with community here.}

355.  Again, great fellowship with friends...the Beautiful Feet people.

356. A lost dog and the way Jesus answers prayers

357. leftovers on busy days

358. kids old enough and willing to help a very pregnant friend

359. the ebb and flow of noise and quiet in the house

360. THE GREATEST JOY!  Our youngest, asking to receive Christ right in the kitchen.  Unprompted and out of the blue.  Born again, adopted again, and eternally His!

Oh, Happy Day.  (click and sing along with us?)

 {Why the random picture at the top of the post, you ask?  It's just a good memory from Yellowstone last year, a picture my daughter took.  So it kinda fits, in a peacefully-engaged sort of way.}



When You're Afraid of the Questions

Five Minute Friday: Join