Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

For the Ones Who Can't Hear "Beautiful"

You shun it as though it were a four-letter word.  When it comes you refuse to hear, refuse to let it attach to you because, surely, you ought to resist that flattery.

Be humble and all that.


You secretly hope that the words are sincere, and inside you desire to wear them gracefully, to be them and believe them.

But your enemy tells you otherwise and you listen to him instead.  To the father of lies?

You have to choose what you wear.

Let Us make man in our image, according to our likeness ~ Gen. 1:26

Your Father has said beautiful since you were born.  He's made beauty in the world, wonder that you capture with camera or imagination or just sheer enjoyment.

Yet you,

created in His image,

won't listen.

You have eyes to see it all around, but you wonder if it's ok to see it in you.  As if vanity came from simple appreciation.

Is it ok to think that I look nice?You ask me one Sunday before church, and I'm remembering the time of no jeans and no mirrors because I was so weak and so consumed.

Imago Dei.  All of us, the image of God.

Yes.  It is good.

Take a little  time in that mirror and gaze at the image of God.  Be blessed by His beauty and comfortable with your skin, your hair, the color of your eyes and the marks of distinction on your face.

Praise Him for infinite imagination, thank Him for hairspray and mascara and jeans if you must.

And then move on from that mirror and see beautiful  all around you, in others.  Go tell someone they're beautiful and tell them why.  If you don't see beauty then tell them why Jesus is Beautiful.  Talk about Him.

Attach yourself to Beautiful when you can't believe He's attached to you.

When you hear beautiful, wear it.  Be it.

Put it on with your cross and remember the ugly beautiful, the One Story so dangerously beautiful that it saved you from being forever ugly.

Someday, when your husband tells you you are beautiful, believe him.  Believe him because refusing to hear beautiful is calling him a liar.

There will be unlovely days and sweat-pant days and days of acne and bloating and extra pounds.  There will be days when no one says beautiful to you, but won't you still hear it?

Won't you listen to the One Who is inside, who created you imago dei and ever lives to display Himself through all His creation? Through you?

Believe Him because refusing to hear beautiful is calling Him a liar.

Because, really, beauty-full is what you are.  Don't cover that up.

{And by the way, beautiful is for boys, too.}

 and here at (in)Motherhood

Five Minute Friday: Enough

The Lost Art of Presentation {It's Better Than it Looks}