Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

Happy Birthday and Five Minutes

I think I'll be reading some Seuss today, in honor of his birthday.  Any excuse works for me, and my kids aren't too old, nor am I.  There is much wisdom in his nonsense, and sometimes

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities. ~ Dr. Seuss

No, I don't agree with all of Seuss' philosophy.  I just enjoy a little nonsense, set to rhyme...from time to time.

Yes.  I am 35 years old and I like Dr. Seuss.  I'm sorry if you are sharing deep things with me and I quote Seuss.  I'm sorry if I say things like, "We run for fun in the hot, hot sun" and you don't get it.  I'm sorry if when I say, "I love to read", you think I must mean Austen or Dickens or Twain.

You should read more Seuss : )



It's Five Minute Friday at thegypsymama.com


They make me feel that.  It's not their fault, it's mine.  They can't help the growing and changing and turning-into-young-adults, and it's me that is supposed to make the transition slow, make the days last and the memories permanent.

But I'm losing my memory, really, and that makes me ache, too.  Thank God for pictures and journals and their memories that take me back.  I've prayed so many times that they would forget the word-wounds and the grumpy-mom, but now I pray that we'll all remember the moments.  Frozen in time moments.

The cuddling and laughing and sharing.  The moments when the world stopped and the laundry stopped and the school stopped and we just stopped to enjoy each other.

I'll purpose to make those moments today.  Will they still enjoy Dr. Seuss?  I think they will.  How they bless me, the Sharp Paynes, and how they make the dull ache in me for slowing down.

I'm thankful for the ache because it reminds me to stop.  Like running too fast makes me hurt - because I wasn't meant to go fast but slow, turtle-slow.  And it's ok.

Ten and One

The Dirt