Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

The Simple List {8.22.15}

The Simple List is my way of pointing you to something redeeming on the webs, something thought provoking or eye-catching or soul-refreshing. I can’t keep up with all the good words out there but I try to curate a few things every now and then that might be of help. I hope these links are reminders of the simplest things that make a good life: truth, goodness, beauty.

TheSimple list (4)

Truth ||

What's your unfair advantage? @ Modern Mrs. Darcy

We all have something that gives us an advantage. What's yours?

In A Digital Chapter, Paper Notebooks Are As Relevant As Ever @ NPR

If you listen to sermons or lectures, go to meetings, counsel others, have kids in school, or want to remember anything, ever, you need to read this. There were too many nuggets to quote here.

Can you tell I'm a dedicated analog fan? Love me some apps, but paper planning is my jam.

Goodness ||

We are Dust and He is Rest @ Sayable

"It is work to remember and work to rest, this I know and you do too. No one can live in this world as we’ve made it and not have to work to rest. Remove notifications, turn off the phone, walk away from the planner, light candles at dinner and hold the hand of your husband and marvel at the gift of simply living. Rest."

I can't quite decide where to categorize this one, because it's Truth and Goodness and Beauty. I'm putting it here because it's always good to be reminded of the rhythm of rest in our lives.

Beauty ||

Kids Were Here

"A group of photographers documenting details of evidence that kids were here". That's the tagline for the blog Kids Were Here, and you should check it out. All pictures. All familiar evidence.


Thoughts on Creating Controversy as a Blogger by Shauna Niequist @ Storyline Blog

A manifesto for what to say online, and what to keep for real-life conversations. Good, good stuff.

"I’ve never regretting loving or encouraging or celebrating something. I have often regretted slamming or dismissing or criticizing something, because when I do that online, it’s outside of relationship, outside of shared understanding, outside of context."



When you think you're alone {A Five Minute Friday post}

Find {A return to Five Minute Friday}