Hi. I’m Tresta.

Welcome to my blog. I think my thoughts here and they are generally full of wonder at God’s goodness, truth, and beauty. I hope you find something to think about.

Five Minute Friday: Small

  Squash blossom

I live like God is small sometimes.

My words clam up inside because worry bars the door, and fear covers my brain with imaginary scenarios. What-ifs and things unpreventable.

I live like God is small and surely He doesn't see my little life here in the corner of a country full of problems.

My problems seem big though, and my husband opens his email every morning with a sigh because the inbox is an influx of his stress, subject lines out to get him.

We have to make efforts to see the small as big, and to put the things that seem big back into their proper place.

He told me last night that I was a good housekeeper.

Seventeen years of marriage, and I don't think he's ever phrased it quite like that. Such a small sentence with simple sentiment, nothing premeditated or planned. He just noticed and spoke it.

We can notice a thousand beautiful things and never take the time to speak them, because they seem small.

This morning for a small moment the sun blazed through living room windows, and I noticed the gold rectangles on the wall. He laughs because I get giddy about small things.

But, he laughs.


{I look forward to Fridays because I get free from perfection and just write. For five minutes. Lisa-Jo gives us the subject and we take it wherever we want. Today's prompt is SMALL, and you should get free, too. Click here to join us.}


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